Social Media Marketing Company in Chennai

Hourglass IT provides professional Social Media Marketing Services in Chennai. We are one of the leading Social media marketing Company in Chennai with over a decade of experience. We serve clients in India and across the globe. We have a strong client presence in Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad. We also have a Strong presence in the UK, US, Canada and Mid Eastern Countries through Social Media Marketing.

Social Media Marketing is a process of gaining traffic in your Website through social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. In the recent years, the number of active users on Social Media has gone up several times - with billions of users around the globe. Therefore having a strong presence in social media may prove to be beneficial for your business growth in many ways.

Importance of Social Media Marketing Agencyfor your Business

Are ready and willing to get your business visible on the social media platforms so that you can start generating more Sales? Then Read on...

If your business doesn’t understand the importance of social media marketing, then you’re missing out big time on potential customers. By getting started with social media marketing, you’ll have the chance to generate new leads, build brand awareness, and develop unique relationships with your customers.

It is inevitable that there are instances that bigger budget allocation is done for online advertising than traditional Print media, TV or Radio, thanks to the global reach and inter-activeness offered by social media marketing websites.

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Brand awareness

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Creative & sharing content

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Engage your target audience

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Increased Brand Awareness

With the number of Social media users touching half the population of India, which is about 65 Crores, increased visibility on social media is invaluable. People receive regular updates on their news feed that can be used for product / service updates and brand visibility.

Build trust

Social media is a great way to share ideas & thoughts and reach potential customers. Every follower can be considered a potential customer.

More opportunities to convert

Every post you make on social media can provide an opportunity to convert a client. Every blog, image or video you share on social media may lead to a click on your website that can inturn increase chances of getting a potential customer.

Targeting Customers

Social media has the ability to target a particular set of customers. You can filter people by gender, interests, demographics or location. Our Social Media Marketing Agency helps advertisers target the right audiences, ensure higher conversion and increase sales.

Decreased marketing costs

6-8 hours per week is enough to create qualified traffic to the website and it is a very cost effective way as compared to traditional marketing on print media.

Importance of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the hottest among web properties today. Several businesses run without maintaining a website using the interactive and responsive power of social media.

List of social media activities

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Create interesting content

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Expanding ideas by sharing blogs, forum, RSS on social media walls

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Increase more followers

Social Media Marketing Agency in Chennai

Promote paid advertisements to reach larger audiences

Why choose Hourglass IT for your social media marketing service ?

  • Experienced and talented team of social media experts
  • Dedicated project management and communication
  • Quick and timely result delivery

Let's customize a strategy. Contact us today!

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Give us a call on +91 86376 80388 or request a call at any time that suits you.