4D Procure-to-Pay Software - Easy to use application with loaded functionalities

4D Procure-to-Pay Software - Easy to use application with loaded functionalities
4d Procure-to-Pay software is an easy to use application with the following functionalities:

  • Requisition process with amount based approval
  • Purchasing process with auto-creation of PO from approved Requisition
  • Receipting and inventory module for effective control of inventory of items
  • Supplier invoice with amount based approval 
  • Payment process with amount based approval
  • Petty Cash module for effective control and Petty cash expenses
  • Budget module with funds check option to ensure expenses are within budget
  • Accounting entries for integration with accounting system. 

The 4d Procure-to-Pay application is loaded with functionalities and easy to use for users. The application also comes with Mobile APP for important functions so that the different functions can be performed using the mobile APP.
